Buku-buku Karya Baden Powell

Buku-buku Karya Baden Powell

Selain Scoutng For Boys, Aids To Scouting dan Rovering to Succes, Baden-Powell juga menulis banyak buku lainnya, seperti misalnya:

Nama Buku Tahun
  • On Vedette - 1883
  • Reconnaissance and Scouting - 1885
  • Cvakry Instruction - 1885
  • Pigsticking organisasi Hoghunting - 1889
  • The Downfall of Prempeh - 1896
  • The Metabele Campaign - 1897
  • Sports in War - 1900
  • Notes and Instrcution for the Scouth African Constabulary - 1901
  • Sketches in Mafeking and East Afrika - 1907
  • Yarns for Boy Scouts - 1909
  • Souting Games - 1910
  • Handbook for Girl gudes (dikerjakan bersama-sama dengan Agnes Baden-Powell - 1912
  • Boy Scouts Beyond the Seas - 1913
  • Quick Training for War - 1914
  • Indian Memories dan My Adventures as a Spy - 1915
  • Young Knights of the Empire dan The Wolf Cub's Handbook - 1916
  • Girl Guiding - 1918
  • Aids to Scoutmastership - 1919
  • What Scouts Can Do - 1921
  • An Old Wolf's Favourites - 1921
  • Life's Snags and How to Meet Them - 1927
  • Scouting and Youth Movement - 1929
  • Lessons form the Varsityof Life - 1933
  • Adventures and Accident - 1934
  • Scouting Rounf the World - 1935
  • Adventuring to Manhood - 1936
  • African Adventures - 1937
  • Birds and Beasts if Africa - 1938
  • Paddle Your Own Canoe - 1939
  • More Sketches of Kenya - 1940

Kemampuan Baden Powell menulis memang sangat mengagumkan, bakat sastranya telah dimulai sejak belajar di Chartehouse. Buku-buku hasil karyanya selalu disertai gambar dan sket yang menarik yang dibuatnya senidir seperti dalam Scouting for Boys.


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